Thursday 3 April 2014

Summer madness.

It's summer time again and by this the first thing that comes to my mind is sweat, Sun and shades.
It's summer time again and by this the first thing that comes to my mind is sweat, Sun and shades.
Calcutta as I still like to call it, is known for the horrendous heat and the scorching rays of the sun which kind off penetrates into your body and burns it. But I enjoy summers as I get to see a lot of things that I don't witness in winters. It's like during summers everybody is 24/7 possessed by the demons and are ready to fight at the drop of a hat.I get on a bus to Topsia and its kind off empty and then I get a seat and settle down beside the window. I was so lost in the little hot air that was hitting my face that I didn't even realize that the bus now was fully packed, till my serene communication with the breeze was broken by the shouts of a middle-aged
lady. গায়ে হাথ দিচ্ছ কান was what she was saying and my eyes went busy searching for the culprit only to
find a small little fellow maybe is his late teens looking at the lady with shocked expression. In the blink of an eye everyone started shouting wanting to get their hands on the guy. By this story I here by justify my earlier point that summers get Calcuttans so mad that in a bus where you can hardly move, a lady expects to get a private cabin where no-one can touch her and people support her rather than someone getting up and letting her sit.
The condition of buses
Heaven knows why even the traffic goes haywire during this season. All the signals seems to be stuck at RED for unimaginably long minutes. This is the time that reminds me of the Summer Solstice that my Geography teacher had taught me in school. But it said the days are longer in summers... no one mentioned about a minute seeming to be as long as a century. I feel I am sounding like a girl so much in love and who is referring to every minute away from her beloved to be unimaginably long. This is exactly the time when all the people in the bus suddenly start talking as if they have known each other forever. They start cursing the police, the government and everything, but I will never get why they abuse the bus driver. The poor man is just abiding by the traffic norms. "ইচ্ছে করে বাস তা থামিয়ে রেখেছে বদমায়েশ লোক তা" is what most of the people will say. But then this is what summer does to my city people, and yes to be honest at times to me also. During the summer months also I have regular college, that is from 9.30 a.m. in the morning to 3.30 p.m. in the afternoon. But thanks to my dad who pays a nice heavy sum of money to send me to a college
which is centrally air conditioned that I am at least spared during the hours I have classes.
Tea Stall
But then I'm a Calcuttan after all. The dirty tea shop outside kind of has this weird magnetic attraction.I feel like a fridge magnet and the shop seems to be the fridge and I just have to go there after every class. But then going to such small roadside shops have given me so much of information that I can today write a blog on my lovely humid city.I am nicely sitting on the thin half dead wooden plank which is supported on both sides by huge uneven boulder kind of stones and every time a person gets up or shifts you feel it... I mean literally feel it. So here I am sipping my lovely গরম জল (yes the tea here genuinely tastes like warm water) and taking in the heat and thinking and wishing that it might just rain when a guy next to me does some movement and breaks my thoughts. I see this lanky fellow wearing flashing orange denims paired with an equally flashing green t-shirt, yellow shoes and not to forget the shiny mirror shades that are pink in color. I kept staring at him involuntarily and my eyes were just about to pop out of my eye socket when that guy finally asked me কিছু বলবেন আপনি ? And I felt I was broken off by some kind of spell cast on me... and the only reply I could give him was না ??

Yes you got it right... in Calcutta everyone is wearing an unusual shaped sun glass in the most horrific color you can imagine. But even after this if you ever have had mountain dew and thought डर के आगे जीत है and just dared to ask question them about the shades, there comes the answer.... আপনি কি জানেনে এ চশমা তা দীপিকা পাদুকনে ককটেল ছবি তে পরে চেল  and you are left either comparing both the two people in account or just leave thinking Dude she's Deepika Padukone. I mean seriously. ..??

But still summers have its own magic. The new clothing trend for girls has become a boon
So let's just welcome summer with shades and the madness out here only continues. Calcutta has seen a radical change when it comes to clothing. All high end brands have opened up stores in here.Starting from hot pants, vests, asymmetrical dresses, lace bodycons and the list is never ending. Females in Calcutta have emerged as one of the greatest shoppers. First it was all about new market but now it’s all about malls.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, the colourfully dressed pedestrians with their equally gawdy glasses sure does bring some people to mind! An excellent read =)
